Another Way To Keep Your Pets Cool
This is a short but brief post. As the title states, another cool and inexpensive way to keep your pets, horses, etc cool this summer - use a water mister. Yep, these water misters can bring down the temperature at least 10 degrees - so I've read. These water misters can be installed/secured to our cool pet canopies, around Fido's dog house, around the pets living area, and best of all, they don't cost you much! These water misters are sold by major home improvement stores. Looking at a few of these misters on these home improvement websites, it looks like they all get a "thumbs up." A few reviews mention that they are used to keep their horses and farm animals cool. Well, it looks like ole Charly horse will be near this water mister pretty much all day during the hot summer days (especially in Arizona and Texas)! Keep your pets smiling throughout these hot summer days! Proof is in the pic below.